Bodytypology Book!
A System for Optimal Health and Weight Loss

Is Finally Here!!

  • Why does one person thrive on a certain diet while another feels awful?
  • Why do some people lose weight easily, while others struggle?
  • How is it that one individual will gain weight in the stomach area, but another gains on the buttocks or thighs?

We’re all different!

It's time to stop depriving yourself of your favorite foods, counting calories, points or macros, trying and then dropping the latest fad diets and losing weight only to gain it all back.

Imagine how much better you'll feel with a  personalized healthy eating plan that works with your specific metabolism, energy levels, cravings, body shape, and glandular imbalances. Not only for weight loss but for optimal health, strength, endurance and high energy.

Bodytypology teaches you how, with simple steps, that lead to life-changing results!

book cover

In the U.S.

In Canada

Get your tools for optimal health! 

1. FREE Emotional Eating Food Journal  

Emotional eating can be the biggest hidden hindrance to your weight loss.

Awareness is the first step in overcoming emotional eating and late night snacking. Using a journal will help you see your patterns and start overcoming your triggers by finding better coping mechanisms.


2. Take the body type quiz 

One size fits all Never works!

Eating right for my body type is the single biggest thing that completely transformed my health in my life. Knowing your body type makes all the difference.

Just enter your name and email to take this free quiz.

3. Health Assessment Quiz 

How are you doing on your path to health? Determine your challenges and strengths with this simple quiz. 

About Sue-Anne 

Sue-Anne Hickey is a Naturopath, weight loss specialist and author. 

Her passion is in helping her clients heal their ailments naturally, lose weight, and regain their energy and happiness using her personalized body type plan, Bodytypology: System for Lasting Weight Loss. Sue-Anne combines this with Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) to uncover limiting beliefs and release them, creating permanent change and deep healing.

When she’s not coaching clients or leading groups, she loves biking, skiing and being in nature. 
