Montreal Naturopath Consultations -
West Island Naturopath

Looking for a Montreal Naturopath? Or a West Island Naturopath? Sue-Anne Hickey n.d. - Naturopath Diplomé, is a Certified Naturopath, who had a beautiful office located in Beaconsfield, Montreal, but since Covid,  she is doing consultations by Zoom.

She is a member of the Quebec Association of Professional Naturopaths, A.N.P.Q. Insurance receipts are provided.

Learn all about Sue-Anne's own journey to completely transforming her health and her life here.

Montreal Naturopath Consultations

 Work with me from the comfort of your own home using Zoom. 

What does a consultation with a Naturopath entail?

As a Naturopath, my main concern is finding and then treating the root cause of your ailments.

Unlike traditional medicine which may only find ways to treat and cover up the symptoms, it is my belief that by focusing on cause, symptoms are alleviated and long term healing is achieved.

An example of this would be acid reflux or heartburn. A medical doctor may prescribe antacids.  Antacids disallow the body to absorb protein and iron thereby weakening the body and causing osteoporosis, fatigue and wreaking havoc long term.

As a Naturopath, I determine the cause. Discovering which foods might be aggravating the digestive system, if the stomach is producing too much hydrochloric acid or not enough. Assessing if there is an adequate supply of digestive enzymes, etc.

Following the assessment we determine a  personalized, plan that is tailored to your:

  • Needs
  • Lifestyle
  • Objectives
  • Food preferences
  • Time restraints 

We give the body the proper tools it needs in order to allow it to heal naturally. Physical, emotional, social and environmental health are all considered. A holistic approach, treating the person as a whole. 

We each have unique genetic make ups and lifestyles and no two individuals are treated the same.

I help prepare a program to guide you step by step through diet and lifestyle changes to heal your ailments completely and to maximize your health to prevent further disease. I am available for you in between consultations to answer your questions and to help you in any way I can.

My Specialties as a Montreal Naturopath

  • Body type weight loss 
  • pH testing and reducing acidity
  • Athletic nutrition expertise - as an accomplished athlete myself
  • Help with emotional eating
  • PMS and menopause - hormonal issues - there is no need to suffer!
  • Increasing energy through nutrition
  • Licensed R.T.T practitioner

It stands for Rapid Transformational Therapy. A powerful and efficient modality that uncovers the root cause of limiting beliefs. We release them, reframe them and create permanent new beliefs and a more positive mindset, that align with your desires.

The results are nothing short of spectacular! It is the Key ingredient, along with the body type plan to ensure your lasting weight loss success. 

Natural therapies used

  • Nutrition
  • Herbal medicine
  • Dietary supplements and vitamins
  • Lifestyle coaching, stress management
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Essential oils
  • Bach Flower Remedies

What to expect

Before you come to see me for the first time you'll have a health history form to complete and send to me and a two day food and drink journal to record. Our first consult lasts 90 minutes in order to do a comprehensive  assessment and evaluation to fully understand your current health concerns.

Follow up consults are 60 minutes and then 30 minutes. We come up with an individualized plan that works for you. We look into what might be your roadblocks along your journey to health and find ways that you can overcome them. I give you things to do at your own pace and I am always here to guide and support you in any way I can to ensure your success.

We celebrate your wins and progress and adjust your program depending on your needs. The number of consultations needed depends is completely individual as changes are implemented and results obtained. 

Read some West Island Naturopath client testimonials here.