Contact Sue-Anne

    Have some questions, curious to know more? 

    Contact Sue-Anne to learn more about her personalized Bodytypology weight loss program or about healing your ailments naturally. 

pic of naturopath Sue-Anne Hickey
pic of the 4 women body types

There are four different body types and four different approaches to weight loss. One size fits all never works. 

If you're interested in Body type weight loss... let's chat! 

Just imagine...

  • No counting calories
  • No counting points
  • No weighing food
  • Save time and LOADS of money

 I can help you achieve all of this without feeling hungry or deprive

pic of happy woman cheering
pic of naturopath Sue-Anne Hickey

About Sue-Anne Hickey 

Sue-Anne is a Certified Naturopath and weight loss specialist. 

Her passion is in helping her clients heal their ailments naturally, lose weight, and regain their energy and happiness using her personalized body type plan, Bodytypology: System for Lasting Weight Loss. Sue-Anne combines this with Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) to uncover limiting beliefs and release them, creating permanent change and deep healing.

When she’s not coaching clients or leading groups, she loves biking, skiing, being in nature and cooking super healthy delicious meals and snacks.