Take the Body Type Quiz! Determine your type for easy weight loss.

A B O U T   M E

Hi, I'm Sue-Anne Hickey!

Sue-Anne west island naturopath

I'm an author, speaker and naturopath and I love teaching my clients how to transform thier lives by eating right for their body type.  

Five years ago I finally met the right match for me. These days you can find us just west of Montreal, hiking or kayaking. In the winter we both love snow and skiing.

My happy place is in the kitchen, creating delicious healthy snacks and meals, I dabble in watercolour painting and writing... my book Bodytypology: System for Optimal Health and Weight Loss, is now available! 

Before I got here, I had a lot to learn
along my own healing journey...

Spoonful of coconut is a great healthy topping often suggested by West Island naturopath

Always healthy?

Sue-Anne west island naturopath at age 12

Even at age 11,  in grade school I was fascinated by the human body and I won a prize by doing an extra project outside of our school curriculum all about the body systems.

Although I grew up following a fairly healthy lifestyle, before I became a naturopath I definitely wasn't as healthy and strong as I am now! 

I was much weaker – falling asleep at my desk before lunch. My energy was up and down all day unable to find the motivation to do the things I love, participating in sports and spending quality time with friends.

I was hypoglycemic, constantly craving sweets using carbs to try to find and keep my energy up. My body was overly acidic, causing my hands to be covered with eczema. I had lost my healthy glow and all vibrancy. But, what’s more I was nearly ready to accept that this was the way my life would be.

A pic of a stupa showing if you're looking for west island weight loss I can help in a spiritual; way as well

Around the world spiritual journey

I set off on a solo spiritual journey that lasted a year and a half.

I was searching for answers for the key to what holds us back from attaining all that we want.

I did my yoga teachers training course in southern India, I did 4 ten day silent meditation retreats, I learned about Buddhism in a monastery in Nepal, stayed at ashrams in India and Indonesia.

It was Eat, Pray Love, Canadian style. 😀

My Practice as a Naturopath

In 2006, I decided to extend my expertise in natural healing and started training as a naturopath.

Eating right for my body type completely transformed my health, my energy skyrocketed, my hypoglycaemia was a thing of the past, my eczema disappeared and never came back, my energy skyrocketed and I never felt better.  

I knew I had to share this with as many people as possible.

So I created Bodytypology:
System for Lasting Weight Loss

A personalized healthy eating weight loss system that works better than any diet.

I love helping women over 50 naturally drop the pounds by nourishing your body with the right foods at the right time.

The plan is easy to follow so you are sure to succeed!

It provides you with specific foods to eat for breakfast lunch and dinner. Nourish your body to lose weight without using medication, surgery or drastic diets that slow down your metabolism and make long term weight loss impossible.

There are 4 body types
for women

A pic of the 4 body types, adrenal, pituitary, pear and thyroid showing how the West Island Naturopath uses this unique platform for weight loss

And 3 body types
for men 

Pic of the 3 body types for men perfect for those men looking for west island weight loss

It's simple.
Once you figure out your type,
you have your plan.

No counting calories

No counting points

No weighing food

Save time and LOADS of money

You won’t make yourself crazy constantly thinking about what you can and cannot eat.

No more yo-yo dieting, depriving yourself and even losing weight only to gain it all back. Get it off and maintain your ideal weight FOREVER!

Bodytypology gives you a personalized system you can implement for the rest of your life.  And, the best part is that it REALLY works! As a west island naturopath I've literally helped hundreds of clients transform their lives.

You will learn when to eat lighter meals to energize your body the most and when you can eat more to easily burn off the calories.

The results?

Sue-Anne a montreal naturopath to help in the west island or online

You will experience fat loss in the spots that bother you the most!
You will eliminate cravings!
You energy will soar!
And you will feel AMAZING as you lose weight!

As a certified naturopath I am a licensed member of the Professional Association of Naturopaths of Quebec, A.N.P.Q. Insurance receipts can be provided to you for your consultation.

There are two ways to work with me:

get group support in my membership

or work with me one on one.

Ready to have a chat about how we can put this into practice for you right now?

Our health is the most wonderful gift we have,
the choices we make today affect our quality of life tomorrow.

Contact me now to start your journey
to a healthier, happier you!