Take the Body Type Quiz! Determine your type for easy weight loss.

Body Types and Weight Loss 

Body types and weight loss go hand in hand. Because one size fits all Never works!

Are you at the heaviest weight you've ever been? 

You've tried every diet and nothing works?

You find yourself eating mindlessly, stress eating or emotional eating in between meals?

I get it! I've helped hundreds of clients who've been in the same place. 

There are 4 body types for women and 3 for men

A pic of the 4 body type for women, Adrenal, pituitary, thyroid and pear, showing how body types and weight loss works better than any other diet.
A pic of the 3 body type for men, Adrenal, pituitary, thyroid, showing how body types and weight loss works better than any other diet.

Let me introduce you to Bodytypology: The System for Lasting Weight Loss

It’s a personalized healthy eating weight loss system that works better than any diet. 

Drop the pounds easily as you learn to nourish your body with the right foods at the right time for your specific body type. 

The plan is easy to follow so you are sure to succeed

It provides you with specific foods to eat for breakfast lunch and dinner. Lose weight without using unhealthy meal replacement shakes or bars that slow down your metabolism and make long term weight loss impossible.

It’s simple; once you figure out your type, you have your plan.

  • no more counting calories!
  • no more counting points
  • No weighing food
  • Save time and loads of money! 

3 - 6 months from now, you could be fitting into clothes that haven't fit you for years and receiving tons of compliments! 

Hi, my name is Sue-Anne Hickey, I'm a certified naturopath and weight loss specialist, creator of Bodytypology. Nutrition, healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, has been a passion of mine for over 28 years. 

Weight Loss And Body Types Success Stories

I have been trying for 9 years to lose that 10 pounds. As an active runner, I found it so frustrating when the pounds just kept creeping up.

I have lost 25 pounds so far and maintained it for over a year, As well as the dangerous belly fat. My energy level is so much better and I can now get thru my days without that mid day slump.

Cyndy King

 Words cannot express how impressed I am with Sue-Anne’s Bodytypology program, especially how thorough it is.  I used to think I was making healthy choices, but in reality there were a lot of areas where I had some dietary bad habits that were downright hindering my metabolism.  

Sue-Anne’s program zoomed in on those areas, helping to change those habits and forming better ones through nutrition.  As a result, I have more energy, feel better, my headaches have gone away and I have even shed 36 pounds.

Lesia P.

I went to my family doctor yesterday morning for my check up. He is so happy with my health. Blood pressure is so perfect it scared him. According to his records I have lost 35.5 lbs since my last weigh in at his office.

He is very happy. I told him about you and he said it's working wonderfully for me, so keep it up. Thank you for helping me achieve such a good check up.

Karin H.

The Bodytypology program helped me get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost 14 lbs in 10 weeks! This was a battle I had been fighting for 5 long years. Best of all, I don't feel hungry all the time, I sleep better, and I have more energy.

Sue-Anne is a great coach! Her expert knowledge on the right foods to eat for my body type, her enthusiastic and positive attitude, and her gentle encouragement made it easy to make the changes in my diet. 

Chantal S.

Have you ever consulted someone and said to yourself, “Wow, this is exactly the person I need to help me?”  In my case, Sue-Anne stood out from any other people I had consulted about nutrition in the past.

She took her time to explain everything to me, from help with lifestyle management to what kind of  mindset pushes us towards chips or cake. I really appreciated the way she explained things I had been unable to comprehend in the past. I lost over 25 lbs! 

 Richard V. 

I never thought it was possible!  I have struggled with an extra 15-20 pounds for many years. Any effort that I made on my one could only get me to a 5-6 pound weight loss that I would gain back fairly quickly. 

I lost 15.5 pounds in the 12 week program! My husband said to me the other day “Who are you and what have you done with my wife”!!  I feel like a whole new person. 

Anna Z.