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by diane
(littlerock, ca , us)
I have an extremely bloated belly. I look 7 months pregnant and know I'm not. I am a 54 yr old female. Along with the big belly I have had on an off shoulder pain and ear drainage with temporary hearing loss, mostly before the drainage. Otherwise I feel fine, just uncomfortable due to the weight gain and extended stomach. Do you have any advice as to what I can do about this or what it may be?
Sue-Anne's Reply:
Does your belly feel a little bloated in the morning and it gets worse as the day proceeds? If yes, and if other symptoms are present, feeling itchy, nervous energy, increased appetite, etc, then you may have parasites.
This is more common than many people think and can often be cured with some dietary changes and a parasitic cleanse. Feel free to contact me for more details.
Other causes of bloating:
Candida Albicans, an overabundance of yeast in the body.
Lack of digestive enzymes
Slow moving intestine
Slow liver
Combining some foods in the same meal that do not easily digest easily together
Fecal matter encrusted in the intestine
If the bloating is in the lower abdomen, this indicates the problem is intestinal. Bloating higher up, under the chest indicates the gall bladder is not producing enough bile to emulsify fats.
A complete evaluation could easily determine the cause and offer suggestions to eliminate the problem.
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