Your top motivation tips for weight loss include 3 things! Here they are in my latest blog post for September
But that often spells weight gain!
I Love September! Fresh air, warm days, cool nights, Back to school. You can feel the palpable excitement in the air.
From the time you were little, September meant new clothes, school supplies, a new level in school, new beginnings. Harness this infectious energy to make positive changes! It's a perfect time to start new things.
How would your life be different if you lost that 10 to ___ pounds you've been so wanting to for years?
would it be like to wear nice, tight fitting clothes and feel proud of
how you look? What if you had tons of energy all day long without any
afternoon slump?
How would that make you feel?
Most people spend their time focusing on the problem.
What are the 3 things you need to do? Write them down and spend 95% of your time focusing on them and the positive outcomes they will bring you.
This suggestion comes from Darren Hardy, publisher of Success Magazine. "You will only ever have the health that matches your level of self image, self worth and your beliefs. Go to work on you, your beliefs about yourself and your personal philosophy, who you are and who you are worthy of becoming."
"You can only achieve the health you think you are worthy of."
In order to succeed with your motivation tips for weight loss how can you love yourself a little more each day? Can you focus on how wonderful your body is and how much it does for you? How it has taken you through so much this far. When a negative thought comes up, switch it to a positive affirmation and make that your new mantra.
This is amazing news that happened a few days ago. Unfortunately Canada is not following suit yet, hopefully soon!
FDA ordered all products containing antibacterial ingredients, such as
triclosan and triclobarca be removed from shelves within 1 year. Roughly 40% of soaps contain these harmful ingredients.
Studies proved that they are no more effective than regular soaps! The Environmental Working Group hailed the bans as progress.
has been conducting research and advocating for this exact federal
government action for nearly a decade, and our work, as well as that of
other public interest groups and many of our supporters, has finally
paid off."
In recent years the cosmetics and cleaning sectors
have largely replaced triclosan in hand soaps, although it is still
found in some acne products, body washes and Colgate Total toothpaste.
These chemicals are known to be associated with endocrine (hormonal) toxicity.