by Burnie
(L'ile Bizard, Montreal Quebec Canada)
2 years ago I had my uterus removed but I still have my Fallopian tubes. For about a year I didn't suffer from night sweats, now I am dealing with night sweats but it started gradually and now it's gotten worse.
I am sweating day and night and it's very embarrassing when I'm having a conversation and all of the sudden my internal oven goes on and it feels like the temperature just raised about 350 degrees. Can you please tell me what I can take or do I need a hormone replacement? please tell me what to do because it's effecting my life and I am going through depression because of it.
Thank you so much for your help.
Sue-Anne's Reply:
when going through menopause or suffering from menopause symptoms, many things play a role. The ovaries stop producing estrogen and the adrenal glands and liver have to take over in balancing the hormones.
Many people have a liver that is congested due to exposure to so many chemicals, air pollution, pesticides on our food, chemicals in Advil etc. Fired or fatty foods, alcohol. The liver is overloaded and can not handle balancing hormones, so things get out of balance.
If the adrenal glands are weak, due to the daily, constant stress in our life, hot flashes and menopause can increase.
It is important to eat as healthy diet as possible. Follow a healthy lifestyle, get plenty of fresh air and exercise, eat right for your body type, etc. Stop drinking coffee, eat lots of dark leafy greens.
There is no reason to suffer, there is much that can be done naturally, Contact me for more personalized help.
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