by Kathy
I have low thyroid tests, take natural thyroid pills, have tendency to be diabetic, and have osteopenia.
I would like to feel good again, so I hope you can help me.
The Doctor diagnosed me with Osteoarthritis, presumably from blood tests.
I hurt in my hips alot, so would like leg aches to leave with that pain dissolving.
Thanks for your help.
Sue-Anne's Reply:
The first thing I would ask is, how is your diet? Are you eating a lot of nutritionally dense, fresh, whole foods? Lots of fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains, good sources of protein? Staying away from the 4 whites, white flour, sugar, bread, rice and everything containing it?
How much water do you drink per day? 8 glasses would be essential with all that you have going on. I would avoid drinking anything else besides water and herbal teas.
How much exercise do you get each week, are you handling your stress in a proactive way?
There is much you can do to get back on track, if you are ready and willing to make changes.
Eating healthy is key, otherwise nothing will change.
If I were to do a consultation with you I would suggest a pH test to ensure you are not overly acidic as that is important for osteoarthritis as well as osteopenia.
A detox would help rid the body of toxins that are causing the pain and imflammation.
I would go in depth into a healthy eating plan that works for you. My Ebook is a very good place to start for healthy eating for your body type.
And finally look at vitamins and supplements to build your strength and health. If you have low thyroid I would hope that the natural pills are boosting your thyroid back up so that eventually you will no longer need them. If this is not the case, if they are simply alleviating the symptoms I would find a better company.
Supplements can usually be used short term to heal until they are no longer necessary. That is why quality is key.
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