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Comments for Vegetarianism, Lactose intolerance, Sweets and Protein

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Mar 24, 2013
lactose intolerance and protein
by: Anonymous

For anyone experiencing this, I suggest cutting dairy and see what happens. All my life I fought monster sugar cravings, and usually lost. As part of transitioning to a vegan diet, I cut dairy, and all of a sudden the exhaustion and the sugar cravings were gone. Disappeared, just like that. I was amazed! See if it works for you...apparently, sugar cravings are a major side effect of a hidden food intolerance.

Also, there is no difference between vegetarian protein and the protein found in animals and their products. The "complete" protein myth is just that--a myth. There are nine essential aminos, and your body will find them and put them together. If you paired quinoa with a couple of spears of asparagus and a cauliflower, broccoli and sprouted mung bean stir–fry, you would have an easy meal with 30 grams of protein or more!

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