by Donna Ellis
(Riceville, Tn USA)
I lost weight a very long time ago on a low carb diet, but now that I am in Menopause I can't lose any weight and I have actually gained 10 pounds and of course its right in the middle. I have always carried my weight there. Can you please help.
Sue-Anne's Reply:
Hi Donna,
While our metabolism does slow down slightly with age, the thing is, menopause is Not a cause of weight gain.
We do have to be more careful with portion control and we definitely have to move the body more and continue exercising, and eat a variety of healthy foods in the most natural state possible.
When all these things are in place you will lose weight, especially if you are eating right for your body type of course! You can find a lot of information about that on my website.
I don't believe in low carb, or depriving yourself. I encourage my clients to eat Good quality carbs, like brown rice, quinoa, barley, kamut, spelt, potatoes and sweet potatoes. This keeps them full and satisfied a long time, and then they don't eat unhealthy snacks in between meals.
Sometimes a gently detox can be beneficial in helping the liver detox to jump-start weight loss.
I am going through menopause and I have actually lost weight as I remain active and eat healthy, it is possible! It takes determination and commitment to choose healthy food consistently and exercise. We can sail through menopause with ease and grace and maintain our weight. It is also a great time of expansion and stepping into our true power. No longer putting up with "stuff."
Transformational indeed!
A consultation with me or buying my ebook would help you determine your body type and by eating right for your type the weight will easily come off for good.
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