by Kathi MacNaughton
(Boise, ID)
I've had asthma since I was a child. As a nurse (and consumer health education writer), I am well aware of the established medical wisdom for treating asthma, including inhaled steroids, allergy medicines and so on. And I do use those things.
I also practice an overall healthy lifestyle, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, limiting high fat and high sugar foods, and exercising regularly.
But I would really like to get off all meds, and haven't been able to do so thus far. Recently, I've been reading about salt pipes for asthma, but I haven't been able to find much credible research about them. I know that Dr. Oz recommended them on his show and people in Europe go to salt caves for respiratory ailments.
Have you ever heard much about salt pipes, though? I'd really be interested to learn more about them as a natural therapy for asthma...
Sue-Anne’s reply:
While not an expert on salt pipes, they appear to be a more natural alternative to the inhaled steroids, etc. Some people achieve permanent relief, however for many, the salt pipes, like the medications, are still not treating the underlying problem. It is great that you would like to be free of your medication. In order to do so, first determine the cause of your asthma.
A few possible causes could be an accumulation of toxins in the body, a sensitivity to sugar, dairy, gluten, refined starches or other foods, or a difficulty in digesting some proteins.
Every illness has an emotional side. I help my clients look at all sides of their ailment. Asthma can often be related to repressed sadness or anger from a past incidence.
D was diagnosed with asthma when she was 8 years old. It went away in her teens and then resurfaced with a vengeance when she was 28, resulting in a few rushes to the emergency.
During counseling sessions with a therapist she became aware of her repressed feelings of anger and upset. Her mother had 3 children by the age of 21 and one more 6 years later. D, being the eldest, was responsible for taking care of them all. She felt that she had been completely stifled and that she had missed out on her childhood. In working through and working out her feelings D’s asthma was cured and never returned.
The "Respiratory System" page has links to more information on asthma.
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