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Circulatory System Health Guide

The heart and the circulatory system send blood through the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells and eliminating waste. In Chinese Medicine the heart is known as the ruler of all the other organs. You would think that such an important system would merit the greatest care, and yet cardiovascular diseases are the biggest killers in North America.

High Blood Pressure and high cholesterol seem to be the norm in our society.

Dr. Dean Ornish astounded the medical world with his study published in 1990. He was the first researcher who was able to reverse cardio vascular disease. More astonishing was his method of exercise, yoga, meditation, support groups and a low fat, vegetarian diet in which only 10% of calories came from fat.

This study indicates that: 

The most important things we can do to maintain a healthy circulatory system are: 

  • reduce emotional and physical stress
  • exercise
  • maintain a healthy weight
  • limit alcohol consumption
  • eat a healthy diet
  • including plenty of 
  • whole foods
  • fresh vegetables and fruits
  • sprouts
  • whole grains
  • good fats
circulatory system

A Heart Healthy Diet

  • complete protein
  • complex carbohydrates
  • a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals, meaning lots of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • essential fatty acids

Of course the body must be able to easily digest, absorb and assimilate these nutrients.

Foods that lower blood pressure

To keep the cardio vascular system running smoothly it is important to ensure you :

  • keep blood sugar levels stable
  • supply your body with a sufficient amount of amino acids from protein to build and nourish the heart muscle
  • eat foods high in good quality calcium
  • drink plenty of pure water
  • eliminate regularly
  • reduce alcohol
  • don't smoke
  • stay positive

How do arteries get blocked, causing arteriosclerosis?

Unlike veins that have one lining, arteries have 3 linings and plaque forms on the middle lining. Things such as bad fats, heated or refined oils, blood clots and waste matter, adhere to the lining of the artery and become covered with cholesterol and plaque. Eventually this will cause the artery to narrow and lead to angina, shortness of breath and heart attack. The plaque can break off from the artery wall and move through the blood stream (embolization.) This is a common cause of heart attack and stroke.

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