The two main indigestion causes are...
2. A stomach is secreting too little hydrochloric acid
Other causes of indigestion:
3. Food intolerances and allergies
4. Eating too much fat
5. Over eating
6. Eating too fast, not chewing the food enough
7. Eating while stressed
8. Having your gall bladder removed which results in the inability to digest fats.
9. A liver that is toiling.
Let's look at the first three in greater detail as the last five are self explanatory.
The stomach secretes hydrochloric acid which allows:
If your symptoms of indigestion include stomach pain when your stomach is empty, chances are you are secreting too much hydrochloric acid or Hcl. This is called hyperchloridia.
Acid reflux and ulcers often occurs with an overproduction of Hcl.
Indigestion Symptoms with hyperchloridia
Often those under age 30 secrete too much Hcl.
A simple pH test can indicate if there is a problem.
For your natural remedy for indigestion it is essential to reduce acidity, help the nervous system with relaxing herbs and learn to better handle stress.
Foods to avoid with hyper acidity:
It is a good idea to practice food combining while symptoms of indigestion persist. Nourish and strengthen the stomach with the appropriate herbs and plants.
To check if you are producing too much of too little hydrochloric acid:
Take a tsp of non pasteurized apple cider vinegar in a glass or warm water after your meal.
If the symptoms of feeling heavy, bloated, having gas, etc, disappear, it's a sign that you lack hydrochloric acid and you need a digestive aid supplement. Some people may feel worse as the vinegar may be a shock to a stomach lacking Hcl. Chances are, if you are experiencing most of the symptoms digestive enzymes and digestive aids will help.
Your indigestion remedies can include keeping a food journal and writing down how you feel after eating certain foods to determine which foods you do not digest properly.
Foods you may have difficulty digesting:
Often food intolerances or allergies are due to a lack of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid as well as a weakened liver and adrenal glands.
How to cure indigestion permanently? Simply book an online consultation and in no time at all we can determine your indigestion causes and find a permanent cure. You will be living a life free from any more digestive pain and discomfort.
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