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you need an acid reflux remedy and natural acid reflux cures, you are
in the right place. Acid reflux or gastro esophageal reflux disease -
GERD and the accompanying heartburn, affects millions of people.
can occur after a large meal or be triggered by certain foods, but when
it is reoccurring, it is known as GERD.
What is it and how can we prevent it? Acid reflux occurs when the stomach contents push back up through the lower esophageal sphincter (the valve between the esophagus and the stomach). This is the same thing that happens when we belch.
Ordinarily, gravity keeps the sphincter closed and the food down. For many reasons, sometimes a lack of muscle tone, which in some instances is caused by lack of protein, food mixed with stomach acid comes back up.
Lack of muscle tone in the sphincter is often caused by a diet high in fat or excess caffeine.
Acid reflux can also be caused by an overproduction of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
GERD can also lead to a more serious condition called Barrett's esophagus,
when the cells in the lining of the esophagus change.
Due to massive advertising, one of the main ways people find an acid
reflux remedy, is by taking antacids.
If I have too much acid I simply
take a pill to stop the production of acid, right?
Unfortunately, masking the
symptoms rather than finding the right acid reflux remedy can be very detrimental to your health, especially long term.
Antacids like:
stop your stomach from producing acid.
Antacids also contain excessive amounts of sodium, aluminum, calcium, and magnesium, so prolonged use can lead to serious mineral imbalances.
Excess sodium aggravates high blood pressure and
excess aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer's disease.
When you take antacids the production of acid is blocked, so they will mask the symptoms of your acid reflux or GERD.
However, hydrochloric acid and the digestive enzyme pepsin, play an important role
in breaking down and digesting food in order for your body to use the nutrients.
Pepsin needs an acidic environment in order to work.
With long term use of these medications, the stomach becomes "lazy" and the production of hydrochloric acid is reduced, resulting in hypochloridria. The indigestion continues and...
when you stop taking these medications the problems are often much worse!
Long term use of antacids will lead to:
When you aren't absorbing calcium and protein, every part of your body will be weakened over time.
Protein is needed for every cell, hair, skin, nails, bones, teeth, muscles, tendons, ligaments, eyes, tissues, growth and repair, enzymes and hormones, for metabolism and digestion, etc.
But by all means if you are taking medication consult your doctor first
before making any changes.
Your stomach may be producing too little hydrochloric acid due to:
or it may be over-producing hydrochloric acid due to:
A pH test
done over 5 days, testing the pH of your
saliva and urine can indicate the levels of hydrochloric acid your
stomach is producing. This test is essential and very efficient in
determining exactly how acidic your body is, how your digestion is
working as well as how well your lymphatic system is eliminating acidic
See more at:
Hiatal hernia - the upper part of the stomach and the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is pushed up through the diaphragm (the wall between the abdomen and the chest) this shows on an x-ray. Some people have hiatal hernia and experience no symptoms, others experience heartburn and chest pain. Osteopathic treatments or surgery can help bring the stomach back in it's place.
Food allergies and intolerances
Painkillers such as:
Your best natural acid reflux cures :
Acid Reflux Remedy using Herbs and supplements:
Herbal teas:
As with any pain or illness, your body is trying to tell you something.
Diagnosis of GERD in typical and atypical manifestations: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30561415/
The Basics of Heartburn and GERD https://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/heartburn-and-gerd
Heartburn Medicine Net https://www.medicinenet.com/heartburn_reflux/article.htm
Let me help you find the cause, make the necessary changes for your acid reflux remedy and follow the steps needed to attain optimal health.