Take the Body Type Quiz! Determine your type for easy weight loss.

Best Weight Loss Plan and
Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Your best weight loss plan starts with a personalized program for you! As we know, One size fits all Never works! 

best weight loss plan showing a clock with time for change written on it, you need to be ready for change.

"People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals / that is, goals that do not inspire them." -Anthony Robbins-

I am excited to be able to help you create goals that inspire you to lose the weight you want to, once and for all. I have so much to share with you to ensure your success.

Why is it, if you have three people following the exact same diet...

one loses weight and feels amazing

one doesn't lose weight and feels awful

and one stays the same and feels no different

Because every"Body" is different, everyone has a different metabolism, different food cravings, eating habits, lifestyle, and amount of exercise they do. Everyone gains weight in different places and has different ailments they are more prone to. 

This is why the best weight loss plan is one that is personalized for you, your lifestyle, And  your body type. 

Are you eating right for your body type? 

Pic of 4 body types

The best weight loss plan will help you learn how to eliminate cravings and find balance. How do you feel after you eat? Still hungry? Satisfied and full? Sleepy, heavy, depressed? Chances are you are not eating what is right for you!

There is much you can do if you have sweet cravings. Most of us tend to eat far too many refined carbohydrates and sweets. Checking the glycmic index of foods is very important but can sometimes be misleading. Because we rarely eat a food alone, so the food combinations change the glycemic index. 

Weight loss programs brought in 72.7 billion in the U.S. in 2018. There are no lack of money-making gimmicks, fads, diet pills and plans out there! How do you cut through all the misinformation and find a plan you can trust? 

First of all check who's behind the information you are reading. What is their background? Did they lose 20 or 30 pounds and so now they are an expert and are going to show you how? There are millions of people like that out there now. Everyone is a so called expert. 

The Best Weight Loss Plan Starts With a Certified Naturopath 

Pic of Sue-Anne Hickey

Hello! My name is Sue-Anne Hickey and I am a Certified Naturopath, and weight loss specialist. I studied for 6 years part time to become certified. A naturopath looks at the underlying causes of any ailment or weight gain. It's only by getting to and working through the underlying core issues that long term success can be attained.

The difference between a naturopath and a nutritionist is that a nutritionist only looks at nutrition, while a naturopath looks at all of the body systems, the glandular, hormonal, digestive system, etc. As well as the effect of stress on the body, and the emotional component. I also consider the effect of medication and supplements and vitamins. I take a holistic approach to health and weight loss. 

 Nutrition, healthy eating healthy lifestyle has been a  passion of mine for over 28 years.  practicing around the world by Zoom or Face time I used to have. beautiful office in Beaconsfield, Montreal but with Covid I now use Zoom.  

Call me at 514-577-1963 or contact me to learn how I can help you lose weight naturally. I have great results and work with clients around the world by Zoom.

Before starting your best weight loss plan... what caused your weight gain?

If you know the reasons why you have gained weight it is much easier to then determine exactly the right weight loss solution for you. If you are looking for a magic pill for quick weight loss,  I am sorry but you are in the wrong place, please look somewhere else. Studies show that in 95% of cases of rapid weight loss, the lost weight, and often more, is regained in 6 months.

The key to the best weight loss plan and maintaining a healthy weight is to have a healthy diet plan according to your own body type, energy levels and lifestyle. Learn to slowly implement changes and be able keep them long term, like, the rest of your life!

The best weight loss plan ensures that you lose weight slowly and keep it off permanently.

Stop all the yo yo dieting, trying every diet fad, keto is detrimental to your health, it was created for people with epilepsy, as a diet high in fat, helps the brain of one third of those with epilepsy, but medical studies prove that doing it long term takes years off of your life. 

The body is constantly bombarded by chemicals in the form of pollution, pesticides on our food, etc. These toxins accumulate in the body and they may be the main reason you can not lose weight. A detox for weight loss may be the perfect tool to jump-start your weight loss. We will determine exactly what you and your body needs to ensure you lose weight.

Weight gain causes can be either external or internal.

Best weight loss plan showing a DNA strand as genetics only plays a small role in weight loss

External factors are:

Internal factors are those that we have control over

Now looking at the lists, ask yourself this question...can I blame my weight gain on genetics or something else? Do I come from a family where eating healthy was not a priority? Was my weight gain caused by

  • My diet 
  • Lack of movement?
  • Stress eating?
  • Emotional eating?
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Thyroid issues
  • A combination of these? 

Your Best Weight Loss Plan Starts With The Question, "Why did you gain weight?"

Often weight loss is a protection. What are you protecting your self from? What pain happened in the past that you still feel the need to protect yourself?

What was happening in your life when you gained weight? Were you going through a stressful period? Yes, stress does cause weight gain. Did you simply slip into poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle?

Sometimes there is an emotional reason - a loss, a disappointment, unhappiness, unresolved emotional issues. Weight gain is often caused by an imbalance.

What is unbalanced in your life?

What needs to be balanced?

Weight loss is usually thought of as a battle, "the battle of the bulge." A battle against whom?

Often we are fighting against ourselves! 

Follow your best weight loss plan today!

Best weight loss plan showing that weight loss should not be a battle, with 2 boxing gloves

Think of gaining health rather than losing weight for your best weight loss plan 

Our body is talking to us, it knows what is good for us.

Listen to your body? How does it feel when you eat certain foods? How does it feel when you wake up in the morning? Are you getting enough sleep? How are you managing your stress? Do you sit in front of the T.V. every night, absorbing negative news? Or do you find ways to nurture your body and soul with things that you enjoy, motivational literature, hobbies, get togethers with friends. 

When you are happier in your life, weight loss is so much easier. 

Beware, the pharmaceutical industry would like you to believe that they have all the solutions and preventative measures. The food industry is spending millions to tell us that refined foods are good for us. But rather than be influenced by them, do what you need to connect to yourself, your emotions, your body, mind and spirit so you can know what is good for You.

Place your focus on forming new positive habits, which will help. Learn about stress and weight gain. 

Love is at the heart of many problems & solutions of your best weight loss plan

 Weight loss is of course so much more than eating a healthy diet and exercising, is there love in your life? 

  • Love of self
  • love of your life
  • love of the people who surround you
  • Love of where you live and work
  • children
  • animals
  • volunteer work

Base yourself in love and be positive, affirm positive things.

Best weight loss plan showing that love is essential to maintaining a healthy weight

To burn fat, energy must be circulating, this is very important. Love must be in our life. If there is no love, blockages result and energy stops circulating.

If there are blockages you need to work out from your past in order to get your positive energy circulating, then seek professional help. You can move slowly into following your best weight loss plan. One thing leads to another using moderation and balance. Making too many changes too quickly can place enormous stress on your body and you.

Find harmony, balance, and fill yourself with love and you will succeed.

We all have an inner saboteur, we can call her Harriet or him Harry. Saying things like,

  • You can't do this!
  • Why even try?
  • You're just going to fail again.
  • Just have one piece.
  • You can start again on Monday.
  • You'll never be able to do this.
  • Etc...

Harry or Harriet has been running the show for a long time. They have been driving the bus. It is time to throw them off or under the bus and take control. Watch out, as they won't go down without a fight. They love being in control of you. You must be stronger than Harriet! Yes, You Can! 

Every time you catch Harriet saying something negative switch it right away to something positive, stay in the drivers seat, eventually Harriet will go down in flames, yay! You got this, it's a matter of changing habits. 

best weight loss plan showing the need to stop the negative self talk.

“ Sue-Anne has a great, holistic approach, healing your body and your soul at the same time, enabling you to find out the real reason as to why you overeat and have issues with weight."

Tanya Z.

What's Your Best Weight Loss Plan?

If you would like to know the best time to eat certain types of foods for your body type in order to lose weight, working with a certified naturopath is the best way to go. 

Bodytypology is a unique way of eating that takes into account

  • Unique body
  • Cravings
  • Favorite foods
  • Sleeping patterns
  • Metabolism
  • Hormones
  • Stress levels
  • Support team or lack there of
  • Exercise level
  • Inner saboteur
  • Level of motivation
  • and so much more

Together we sit down and figure out the causes of your weight gain, your body type, and start giving you All the tools you need to ensure your success. For over 16 years I've been helping women between the ages of 14 to 71, dig deep to uncover and release the underlying habits and thoughts that have kept them stuck.

Are you ready for change? Because I am going to help you to release these negative loops you've been stuck in and find better coping mechanisms.   

One of the most important aspects of weight loss, is to eat smaller meals when your metabolism is slowest and bigger meals when your metabolism is highest and you can easily burn it off.

You will learn exactly what foods are best to eat and when for your type!

You will learn why trying to follow other diets hasn't worked for you.

By learning how to eat right for my body type, I completely transformed my health and I started helping all my clients do the same.  Contact me today, with my bodytypology signature program I can help you unroot and let go of all of the blocks that have been preventing your weight loss.